One of the things i love to do the most recently when its good weather is either go for a bike ride down the country lanes and go see all the farm animals or go to the beach and walk the doggies to get my steps in. Well i say walking the doggies, it's mainly me and my parents walking whilst the dogs are rolling around in the sand and exploring. Unless charlie is in a playful mood he just digs and digs.
My sister gave me and mum lots of her old clothes this other week and this dress has to be one of them. It's a bright pink skater dress with blue roses on it. It's so comfy and something which i can just throw on if i'm going out and don't have to be all dressed up for. I've recently also been using the Fitbit flex to track my steps and my exercise during the day as i've been trying to lose weight again. It's pretty good i would say, i've only been using it for a week or so but it's been good so far. If you're trying to lose weight and want to keep track of how much exercise you have done, i would highly recommend this.

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