Monday, 24 August 2015

Beach Day!

One of the things i love to do the most recently when its good weather is either go for a bike ride down the country lanes and go see all the farm animals or go to the beach and walk the doggies to get my steps in. Well i say walking the doggies, it's mainly me and my parents walking whilst the dogs are rolling around in the sand and exploring. Unless charlie is in a playful mood he just digs and digs.
My sister gave me and mum lots of her old clothes this other week and this dress has to be one of them. It's a bright pink skater dress with blue roses on it. It's so comfy and something which i can just throw on if i'm going out and don't have to be all dressed up for. I've recently also been using the Fitbit flex to track my steps and my exercise during the day as i've been trying to lose weight again. It's pretty good i would say, i've only been using it for a week or so but it's been good so far. If you're trying to lose weight and want to keep track of how much exercise you have done, i would highly recommend this.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Hamster snuggles

Aw just look how cute they are! These are just two of the hamster babies in our household. The top photo is Dexter and dexter is my little baby. Dan got him as a Valentines present for me February just gone so hes near enough fully grown now. But he's still my little baby.

This is Daisy. She used to be my sister ickle hamster but we sort of adopted her. She never used to be tame but now she is one of the snuggleist, smooshy hamsters ever. They are both syrian hamsters so they don't live together as they will most likely kill each other...but they secretly love each other as at the end of the day, they are family. We also have another hamster, George who is my mums hamster but he was being sleepy and moody so didn't want his photo taken. But just urrrgggg they are so cute i could just squish their ickle tiny faces!!

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Instagram Life #3

Photo One: Well what can i say? I was bored so i straightened my hair which i haven't done in years and thought i had to document it on instagram. I not long ago got my hair layered and cut a bit shorter than usual so it would be more easy to take care of, but now i'm starting to miss my long hair and being able to do pretty things with it :(. Don't worry, i'm growing it out again.

Photo Two: My mum used to be a big lover of incense when i was growing up and i will forever have the memory of the smell of incense when i was growing up. I used to hate them but now i've kind of grown to like them. That is what the smoke looked like in the sun and i thought it looked pretty magical. 

Photo Three: On the weekend, me and dan went to bristol for a couple of hours because...well i'm not gonna lie, Dan got paid and wanted to get things. I wouldn't say it was a successful trip as we were both stressed out as there was a lot of people, it was very VERY hot and Dan left his phone in the car. But on the way home we were behind one of my favourite cars EVER! So that cheered me up. 

Photo Four: A couple weeks ago, Me and Dan went to primark just to have a look round at the new summer range which was out and when we was looking around the homeware section, i came across this gorgeous fox throw and oh my goodness it is the softest thing i think i have ever owned! And it was only £5 which is amazing. If you are near a primark one day, i would highly recommend you go and get this, it will change your life!

Photo Five: Dan the cutie he is took me out for a meal the other night and in the nearly 5 years of knowing him, i don't think we had ever been out for a meal on our own before and it was so lovely ^-^.

Photo Six: For the people who don't know, in my house we have 3 cute ickle syrian hamsters. Dexter who is my hamster which can got me for valentines day just gone. George who is my mums hamster and Daisy who was my sister's hamster but we sort of adopted her. She never used to like being cuddled or being picked up but I like to think we have tamed her now and she is such a little character.