Yesterday and today iv been feeling a bit down the dumps. I don't know why, just haven't really been in the mood to do much and having a very short temper. I don't know if its because i'm just bored or what not but i thought i would give you a picture of a snail saying rawr. I thought it was pretty damn cute (i'm a bit weird like that) rwar on Mr snail. rwar on.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Wish List 2
All of these things are just sooooo super cute in my opinion. I would love to have them all....if i had money! This isn't the sort of things i would wear normally but if i saw them in the shop, i would buy them straight away. All of these are from Blue Banana. Blue Banana is one of my favorite shops (not just because they do piercings there) but because of all the super awesome and weird things they have in there. I have always had a thing for sparrows or swallows? i'm not 100% sure what one it is, but like i said i have always had a thing for them. Pink, Black and Blue seem to be my favorite colour's right now so i tried to stick to a colour theme for this one.
Monday, 24 February 2014
Being Girly
I'm not the kind of teenage girl who wears a hell of a lot of make up on a daily basis. The only times i used to wear make up everyday was when i was at school or going out with people. But because i'm not at school anymore for personal reasons, i hardly ever wear make up. When i do, its normal light and not really noticeable.
These are the make up products i normally use....
I have always been interested in wearing eye liner but i never know how to put it on properly? When i try and put it on, it always looks too thick. I like wearing it, i just can never do it right. If anyone knows any good way's to put eye liner on, please tell me, would help me a lot :(
I don't really have perfect skin right now because i'm still ill, but even when i did, this foundation was simply the best (was it just me who sang the Tina Turner song in my head?)
It makes my skin look soft and light which i really like.
I naturally have long eye lashes anyways but when i want them to stand out more, i wear this. I find it works very well with my eyes because i have quite big bright blue eyes and this doesn't go all clumpy which is a bonus. It's water proof as well which is just an extra bonus.
And after putting all these products on (but without eye liner because i forgot to put it on) this is the result...
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Rainy Days
Well today, i haven't really been out of bed for no longer then 4 hours maybe. Just been one of those crappy days when all you want to do is stay in bed and in my case watch Pewdiepie videos non stop. I have no idea why, but these particular Pewdiepie videos make me laugh and cheer me up so much. Their just one of those things when they are unbelievably weird and strange but yet, so funny. All of his videos make me cry of laughter (literally all of them) but for some reason, these are the best.
Saturday, 22 February 2014
This is what i like to call my "skater but yet cute" kind of outfit. This is just a an outfit you will see me wearing all the time. It's comfy, practical and simple. I love how just wearing a "going out dress" dress with vans or converse really does work and look nice together. I have a thing for black jeans at the moment. People say that black goes without everything and i didn't believe them...until i got black jeans. I have tried to keep with the color theme. Wearing a grey and white dress with grey and white socks. Pink hair with a pastel pink collar and a pastel pink cardigan (but i forgot to put it on in these photos) and last of all black jeans with dark blue shoes.

Friday, 21 February 2014
Candy Floss
eeeeeek! i FINALLY have the hair color i have always wanted! It's a lot brighter then i thought it would be, but i don't care. As long as it's pink i am happy! I am one of the lucky one's when it comes to dying my hair. I have dyed it soooo many times, i don't even know anymore, and my hair has never gone like straw or been badly damaged. So i'm one of the lucky ones. For anyone who wants to know what dye i used, there is a picture of it on the previous post i did. EEEEEEKKKKK
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Odd one out
eeeeek!! i am just too excited! by the end of this week i am going to have pink hair!! I have always wanted pink hair but i couldn't dye it until i finished school, but because i'm not going to school anymore i can finally dye it!! I like to be different then everyone else, i don't really like to be the center of attention and to stand out too much, but what's fun to look like everyone else? Plus i don't like to be plain and boring. I like to have weird things, things which no one else really likes. For example, i have a purple nose ring with a big black ball on it and a long bar going through the top of my ear (scaffolding piercing). If i didn't have these, i wouldn't be me.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014
To infinity and beyond
I love weird and wonderful things. For instants this top. I'm not sure if its a going out top or a pajama top? but i wear it for both. If you walked into a shop and saw a top like this how can you not get it? it's buzz lightyear swinging on Christmas lights!! in my opinion, that's pretty awesome. How cute are these pajama bottoms though? THEY HAVE PANDAS ON! AND THEIR PINK!! They are so cute and just soo comfy to wear to bed or just around the house if your having a lazy day. My sister gave these to my mum at first, but then..i kind of stole them. mwahaha
As you can tell by how my hair is today, i'm not feeling to good (as per usual). You can tell when i'm not feeling to good. I either put my hair up like this or wear my beanie hat. My roots are so terrible at the moment. That's the one thing i hate when dying your hair, you get horrible roots after! but thankfully, my mum and maybe my sister are going to help dye my hair tomorrow on Saturday. Tomorrow were bleaching it to get rid of these roots and will just have to wait till this weekend to see.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Wish List
Jeans / Topshop / £36
Grey Dress / Newlook / £14.99
Blue Dress / Newlook / £22.99
Uggs / £129.99
Vans / £54.99
Socks / Topshop / £3.50
Monday, 17 February 2014
Youtube i haven't been feeling 100% as per usual. Since around September time last year, i had glandular fever which sucks, but now its just the getting over it stage which sucks even more.Today iv just been down in the dumps more then i should be. Having a thumping headache all day, to feeling like i'm about to puke all over the place. I know watching TV and going on my laptop/phone don't really help but i can't really do much else right now.
Watching pewdiepie videos on Youtube is practically all what i do these day. I'm not big on video games and "geeky" things like that. Don't get me wrong, they look good, just not the kind of thing i can just sit and do for hours on end. I would much rather be in bed, with a hot chocolate, food and watch pewdiepie videos.
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Starting something new
hai there people of blogging ^_^ im might what you say a "new bee" in the world of blogging. i have had blogs before but they didn't really last longer then a week maybe. so i am going to try my hardest to keep this one going :) i don't really know much about blogging...both my mum and sister have got blogs, so if i get stuck they can help me hehe. throughout this blog you will see fashion posts, wishlists, my photography pictures (which are mainly of nature) and what is going on in my life. i hope you guys enjoy x x x x
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